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Amir - Reception of museums including relationship is an experimental project (the name in Arabic means 'young prince') launched in 2018 and still ongoing, managed by a network of local museums, aimed at proposing cultural mediation activities conducted by foreign citizens . It currently involves seven museums in Florence and Fiesole (Fiesole Museum and Archaeological Area, Bandini Museum, Primo Conti Museum, Palazzo Vecchio Museum, Novecento Museum, Innocenti Museum, Utopia Station project). The project involves, on the occasion of the Florentine Summer 2019, for the first time also the Boboli Gardens, thanks to a collaboration with the Uffizi Gallery and the Botanical Garden in collaboration with the Museum System of the University of Florence and makes use of the consultancy of the Semi Rural Network (, an association that deals with biodiversity in agriculture.
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Amir, Like seeds on a journey / Stories of migrations of plants and peopleoffers a series of free visits conducted by foreign mediators in the parks and gardens of Florence and Fiesole.
Visits to explore the botanical and cultural diversity that has made vegetable gardens and gardens laboratories where plant and artistic forms that come from other climates and from other crops and cultures have always been reproduced and crossed. Come and visit them with AMIR project mediators يف نجتمع دعونا املتح : Afghans, Tunisians, Egyptians, Malians, Gambians, Moroccans, Cameroons, Colombians, Nigerians, Venezuelans, Senegalese, Ivorians, Peruvians, Ghanaians, Romanians, Guineans, Pakistanis, Chinese, Italians!
Visits in Italian and upon request in English, French, Spanish, Arabic and in the mother tongues of AMIR mediators.
Amir - Museum reception inclusion report is an experimental project cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_(the name in Arabic means 'young prince') started last year and still ongoing, edited by a network of local museums, aimed at proposing cultural mediation activities conducted by foreign citizens. It currently involves seven museums in Florence and Fiesole (Museum and Archaeological Area, Fiesole, Bandini Museum, Primo Conti Museum, Palazzo Vecchio Museum, Novecento Museum, Innocenti Museum, Utopia Station project) and is promoted by the Municipality of Fiesole, the Municipality of Florence , Istituto degli Innocenti, Primo Conti Foundation and Utopia Station and supported by the CR Firenze Foundation and the Tuscany Region. 

To partecipate



 You can choose one or more visits or workshops. All activities are free. The activities can be carried out in Italian or in one of the mother tongues of the AMIR mediators


Do I book?

In museums: Up to 6 people  booking is not necessary, if you want to take part in a special activity or workshop, register at this link.

For the gardens: reservations are always mandatory


Confirm activity

In the case of a reservation, the secretariat will contact you again to confirm the planned activity, date and time or, if places are full, propose another date.


To the museum/garden

Try to arrive a few minutes before the activity. The starting point is the ticket offices of the museums/gardens. If you have difficulty contact us!

per partecipare

To partecipate

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