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24 September and 4 October 2018

Le Murate Contemporary Art Projects, piazza delle Murate, F

As part of a path aimed at an increasingly full and inclusive accessibility of cultural heritage - supported by the Tuscany Region, the Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze Foundation and with a contribution from the ERASMUS + Program - the Museums of Fiesole, the Florentine Civic Museums with MUS And, the Museo degli Innocenti, the Primo Conti Foundation, the Monumental Complex of Santa Maria del Fiore with Utopia Station, offer museum staff two days of training and updating on the relationship between heritage and immigrants.
During the days the historical, artistic and symbolic themes connected to non-European cultures will be investigated, identifying themes and artistic elements common to the civilizations of the Mediterranean,


Civic Archaeological Museum and Archaeological Area

Via Portigiani 1, Fiesole

1) Guided tour | In the footsteps of ancient peoplesGuided tour of the ancient city to discover the preserved monumental remains: the Etruscan walls, the Roman theater and baths, the Etruscan-Roman temple, the Bargellino tombs.
Duration 1 h and ½
When: every day except Tuesday from 10 to 13
2) Guided tour | Daily life in Fiesoleancient The monuments of the Archaeological Area and the objects of the Museum tell us about everyday life in Fiesole many centuries ago.
Duration 1 h and ½
When: every day except Tuesday from 10 to 13
3) Visit | laboratory Theater and the mask
One of the most popular places in Roman Fiesole was the theatre. Here the actors acted using large masks. The itinerary introduces us to the fascinating world of ancient theatre, focusing in particular on the characteristics, functions and meanings of the masks.
The activity includes two meetings: guided tour: duration 1 h and ½ mask-making workshop: 1 meeting | duration 2 h and ½ .
When: every day except Tuesday from 10 to 13
1) Guided tour | Visit to the Palace
Palazzo Vecchio is the heart of Florence, a symbol of the city's history. A story that begins in 1299,
when it was born to house the rulers of medieval Florence, and which experienced a golden age in
moment in which the Medici family brings their residence there, transforming it into a real one
Palace. The visit allows you to understand how architecture, minor arts, sculptures and paintings
contribute to the creation of a rich and complex unicum that has been transformed, stratified and renewed
over the centuries.
Duration 1h15'
When: every day h10.30 - 12.00 - 15.00 -16.30

2) Guided tour | The Medici Palace
The rooms of Palazzo Vecchio still clearly tell the transformations that took place in the
sixteenth century, when Cosimo I de' Medici moved his residence there commissioning the work first Giovanni Battista del Tasso and then Giorgio Vasari. Alongside the governmental functions, the palace thus assumed the role of Reggia Ducale, hosting not only the ducal family but the entire court.
The itinerary allows you to visit the main rooms of the Palace with particular attention not only to the glories and beauties of the Medici age but also to aspects of daily life, recalling the customs, events and curiosities that animated both the public rooms and the private rooms.
Duration 1h15'
When: every day h10.30 - 12.00 - 15.00 -16.30

3) Guided tour | The palace with eyes closed
The traditional visit to Palazzo Vecchio relies heavily on sight: the gaze rests on the paintings, sculptures, decorations, but also on the lights, atmospheres and spaces. However, this is not the only sense that is brought into play; and without sight all the others activate and explode. For an hour and a half, sighted and blind visitors will join one another for a visit experience based on touch, hearing and smell: to realize how much the museum – and the world – without eyes
become even richer and more meaningful.
Duration: 1h15'
When: every day h10.30 - 12.00 - 15.00 -16.30
4) Laboratory | Paint in fresco
“Of all the other ways that painters do, painting on the wall is the most masterful and beautiful”. This is how Giorgio Vasari presents the fresco technique, considered one of the most difficult because it does not allow for second thoughts and requires perfect knowledge of materials and pigments. The atelier allows you to try your hand at the different phases of making a small fresco, which at the end of the activity the participants can take away with them.
Duration: 1 meeting, 1h15'
When: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 9.30am or 11am

Museum of the Innocents

Piazza della Santissima Annunziata 13, Florence

1)Guided tour | Children to the Innocents
This itinerary tells the story of hospitality in past centuries, through spaces of the Institute that are usually not open to visitors and thanks to the works of art that document the care of newborns, such as the Madonna della Misericordia, the Putti in swaddling clothes made of stone and glazed terracotta , the Madonna del latte by Cenni di Francesco di ser Cenni.
Duration: 1h30'
When: every day from Monday to Friday from 10

2) Guided tour | Mothers, daughters, nurses
A dedicated itinerary that recounts the life of the female community of the Institute through the visit of spaces of daily life of the past, such as the Refectory of the girls and the Coretto delle Balie, and through the works of art that document the work of women at Innocents such as the Madonna and Child by Luca della Robbia, the Madonna adored by the Nocentine by Poppi and the tabernacles in the Coretto delle Balie.
Duration: 1h30'
When: every day from Monday to Friday from 10

3) Guided tour | Six centuries of children's stories
On the occasion of the 600th anniversary of the foundation of the Innocenti, the story of the many will be told
children who lived in the hospital from the fifteenth century, through the documents kept in the Archives of the
The archive is the house of memory and the place where documents and objects are kept and sorted
and testimonials. The reading and the story taken from the evocative pages of the archive registers of
"nurses and children" and the "signs of recognition", will allow to reconstruct some stories of
identity and rights of children who lived a long time ago.
Duration: 1h30'
When: every day from Monday to Friday from 10

Opera del Duomo Museum Piazza del Duomo 9, Florence

1) Guided Tour | Dialogue with the work of art
Itinerary dedicated to the great masterpieces of the Museum to accompany the visitor in understanding their complexity and, through dialogue with the educator and the other participants, in recognizing their originality and value.
Duration: 1 ½ hours
When: every day from Monday to Friday from 10 to 15

2) Guided Tour | Dialogue in the Baptistery
The cycle of mosaics in the Baptistery was created to tell the Florentine people of the 13th century
great Stories of the Old and New Testaments, during the visit we will discover the hidden symbols and meanings of this great illustrated story.
Duration: 1 ½ hours
When: every day from Monday to Friday from 10 to 15

3) Laboratory | Woodworking with master craftsman Omero Soffici
In all cultures, wood has been the ideal material for making objects and motifs
decorative for its qualities of lightness and softness, both in relief, thanks to the ancient carving technique and in filigree thanks to the fretwork technique. The workshop includes 2 meetings of 3 hours during which the participants will be able to experience how this material is worked, reproducing a detail from the Sacristy of Masses and a fretwork motif, typical of Islamic art. The workshop includes a visit to the sacristy, where Lorenzo de' Medici found refuge in 1478 to escape the Pazzi conspiracy.
Duration: 2 meetings of 3 hours
When: every day from Monday to Friday from 10 to 15

4) Workshop | Gold leaf or the color of light with Francesca Brogi, gilder
Gold leaf decoration has a long history: used since ancient Egypt and throughout the Middle East, in Italy it was introduced in the Middle Ages to embellish the details and backdrops of paintings. In fact, light, refinement and a taste for decoration constitute the distinctive characteristics of this technique in all cultures. The laboratory aims to make people understand the fundamentals of gilding through practical exercises. We will apply gold leaf to classic Islamic art styles (geometric and arabesque motifs, ornamental designs, calligraphy) by reproducing a detail on a wooden tablet, discovering symbols and meanings common to
the whole Mediterranean.
Duration: 1 meeting of 2 hours
When: every day from Monday to Friday from 10 to 15

Palazzo Vecchio Museum

Piazza della Signoria 1, Florence

Bandini Museum

Via Portigiani 1, Fiesole

1) Guided tour | Art is a boundless world of symbols
The paintings are mines of symbols, which help to illustrate and tell the stories and characters
pictured. Often they are symbols that come from far away, both in time and space.
This path allows us to discover them together
Duration 1 h and ½
When: Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10 to 13

2)Guided tour | The Bandini Museum and the passion of a collector
Angelo Maria Bandini lived in Fiesole about 250 years ago. His "unbridled" passion for books and works of art has made him a tireless collector. Even today the Bandini Museum tells its story.
Duration 1 ½ hours
When: Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10 to 13

3) Guided tour | Walk in the painting
Art in the West was for many centuries, but not always, "nature's monkey". What does it mean? And why? We can find out by visiting the Bandini Museum, face to face with its masterpieces.
Duration 1 ½ hours
When: Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10 to 13

twentieth century museum

Piazza Santa Maria Novella 10, Florence

Primo Conti Museum

Via Giovanni Dupre 18, Fiesole

1) Laboratory | Nature and the landscape: lights and shadows
The proposed workshop aims to raise participants' attention to the importance of the play of light and shadow in the landscape through life drawing. After a small introduction in the studio on how to choose the subject to portray, the lesson will continue outdoors, in the park of the Primo Conti Foundation. Everyone will have a work kit with colors, brushes and support to paint on and a viewfinder to choose the shot. The Master will follow the work of each participant step by step
Duration 1 meeting 2h and ½
When: every day from Tuesday to Friday from 10

2) Laboratory | Coats of arms in clay
The laboratory will be divided into two distinct moments: a theoretical one, during which the symbology of the coats of arms of the ancient families of our territory will be taken into consideration, and a practical one where each participant will undertake to recreate one using the own imagination and creativity. The result will be a clay tile with a coat of arms, a seal of unique and personal meanings in which different cultures can coexist integrated by a creative act.
Duration: 1 meeting 2h and ½
When: every day from Tuesday to Friday from 10

3) Guided Tour | The Painting of Primo Conti
The guided tour of the Primo Conti Museum requires that the participants be accompanied
throughout the museum itinerary by a specialized guide. The course includes the illustration
criticism of the paintings and drawings in the Museum.
The visit will then continue in the Studio and in the Chapel where the Maestro rests.
Guided tour: Duration 1h
When: every day from Tuesday to Friday from 10
1) Guided tour | twentieth century museum
The visit allows you to retrace the 20th century by identifying the main lines of artistic development of the 20th century, with a strongly interdisciplinary approach and specific attention to Italy and Florence. The most recent works on the ground floor – from Paolo Parisi's MUSEO writing-installation on the facade to the works by Remo Salvadori, Paolo Masi, Marco Bagnoli and Maurizio Nannucci – are therefore the way to enter the multiplicity and gazes of the twentieth century arts, characterized from the plurality of languages and researches. A particular focus will be dedicated to the precious Alberto Della Ragione Collection, which includes great artistic masterpieces and which allows you to read the main historical events of the years between the two wars.
Duration: 1h15'
When: Wednesday and Thursday h9.30 or h11.00

2) Laboratory | Born in the twentieth century
The 20th century, unlike all other centuries, has a particular characteristic: many of us have lived and crossed it, shaped it and have been shaped by it. It is therefore a historical period of which most of us have a memory and direct experience, as much of the historical, political, social events as of the urban transformations and artistic evolutions. Convinced that a museum today finds its completion precisely in the relationship and participation of the public and in the awareness that this "human heritage" is inevitably, little by little, destined to disappear, the Museo Novecento invites all those born in the last century to give his own contribution, sharing a short story (2 minutes maximum) that is emblematic of the twentieth century: a personal episode, an event, a memory that will help keep alive the memory of a century now over. Participants will be asked to combine their story with one of the museum's works, enriching them - once again - with a new meaning. All the precious contributions will be collected and processed, giving life to a "digital museum" ... which we will all have contributed to create.
Duration: 1 meeting 1h15'
When: Wednesday and Thursday h9.30 or h11.00

3) Laboratory | Collage, the art of choosing
In collage, a purely twentieth-century technique, brushes, colors or crayons are not used, but a "choice" is made by critically selecting and superimposing details of images, photographs, magazines, writings and more to create and compose something new. In this sense, the resulting work is often alienating, not wanting to delude reality but to tell a way of seeing that uses the forms of representation to go further. After a brief visit to the museum, in which the works that have their distinctive trait in the "composition" will be highlighted and attention will be paid to the possible ways of depicting reality, the participants will be able to try their hand at making a portrait/ self-portrait in the form of a collage/décollage which, going beyond the idea of realistic reproduction, includes emotions, qualities, expressions and characters of the person
Duration: 1 meeting 1h15'
When: Wednesday and Thursday h9.30 or h11.00

4) Laboratory | You and I, the art of portraiture
The art of depicting oneself and the people around us is at the origin of painting itself, which sees its legendary birth in the profile of a face traced on a wall by his beloved, tracing
the shadow cast by a lamp. Crossing the centuries, the twentieth century presents itself in this sense as a particularly interesting field of exploration, in which attention is brought not only to the external forms but also to the thoughts, attitudes, reflections of the subject, becoming a true sounding board of the human identity. The works exhibited in the museum will be the starting point for a captivating atelier in which the representation of oneself and of others will build a special experience to look at us and those who accompany us in a new way.
Duration: 1 meeting 1h15'
When: Wednesday and Thursday h9.30 or h11.00

in museums



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 If you are responsible for a structure that deals with inclusion and social promotion aimed at immigrants, you can choose one or more visits or workshops. All activities are free upon reservation


Book yourself

To book, simply fill out the form below, indicating some preferential days. You can book more than 1 activity for the same group of people


Confirm activity

The secretariat will contact you to confirm the planned activity, date and time or, if places are full, to propose another date.


To the museum

Try to summon everyone a few minutes before so that they start on time, bring the list of participants with you

For any need contact us!

To partecipate
nei musei
per partecipare

a chat with who will accompany you on the visit

My name is Alina I am from Sudan

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